Thursday, October 2, 2008

Breaking into the television business...

We all watch television. It's how we find out on what's going on in the world. From morning to evening, we find out everything that is making the headlines. This is the best way to find out information in the news. Any job in this field is a career.

I was originally a Marketing major at the University of Southern Indiana. I always thought I was creative and could ease into the marketing/advertising business with no sweat. It just happened that one semester, I had to take a TV/Radio class as a requirement for my major. This class required a lot of hands on experience. I might have had 20% of knowledge when it came to newscast broadcasting. This course had more of a technical side to the normal introduction to advertising classes, where you use your mind and write down ideas. For our final project, we had to interview anyone about a certain job. Our team conducted an interview on the fast growing world of cell phones. We shot our footage and brought it back to the classroom. My partner and I did our editing that was required for the project, then actually turned it into a segment for a newscast.

Our professor had every group do a certain position for each group's interview segment. Positions included a TD (Technical Director), Audio Operator, Tape Operator, Camera Operators, and a Floor Director. We all had the experience of doing all of the positions. I found that the TD position was my favorite. There are a lot of responsibilities. TD is responsible for switching from camera 1 to camera 2, or supering a title or a person's name. It also has the duty to bring up graphics on the screen. They usually sit right next to the director and has to listen very carefully to the director's commands.

After this experience, I changed my major to Radio and Television. However, I ended up transferring to the Indiana University of South Bend, which has a weaker program. One day I got a call from my dad, who told me there was an open position in production at WSBT-TV. I made the call and before I could close my eyes to realize that I was hired at a part time Audio Operator at WSBT-TV.


JMO said...

Good post. This is very informative and well written. It's interesting that a class project was actuall used. What was it about?

jason said...

I enjoyed this blog based off of the simple fact that ryno is a cubs fan and because of this he has most likely endured many hardships and heartaches while loving and supporting the beloved cubbies. I too am a life long cubs fan and can empathize with ryno's agonizing tastes of defeat. It's been 100 yrs in the making...Go! Cubs! Go! Ryno...Go! Cubs! Go!

rYno said...

Simply shoot some footage on our story, and edit to where we can use it as b roll during our interview segment.